Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have been working on my thesis question and here is what I have so far:

What methods of construction management are suitable to promote environmental sustainability for the Thompson Rivers University Library Commons and First Nations House of Learning?

If anyone has comments or suggestions to help me out that would be great!


  1. This is a neat thesis, however, I feel that it is incomplete. The House of Learning is already an environmental oriented building, therefore, it is going to be writing your paper for you once you interview the designers and contractors.

    To make this paper analytical, I suggest you take the information that you learn from them and talk about how it could benefit other projects.

    For example,
    "What methods of construction management used for the TRU House of Learning can be used to benefit other projects?"

    :) (Diamond + Schmitt Architects)

  2. Thanks Anika, that helps me out with figuring out how to make my paper more analytical. I was having troubles with that so now I have a different way of looking at it.

  3. I agree with Anika's assessment. It is too bad that we could not have gotten you involved in the last Integrated Design Charrette. Have you contacted Prashant yet? He was at TRU on Friday to give a presentation about the LEED aspects of the House of Learning.
    Have you looked at the Integrated Design Process Guide from the CMHC?
    There are other articles and research papers on Integrated Design on the CMHC web site.

  4. Hey Dale, I keep trying to check out the link you sent me but it doesn't seem to be working. I will come by to your office to see if you can help me out.

  5. Just search the CMHC site ( for "Integrated Design Process Guide".
